Park Players of Greenfield Park

Park Players of Greenfield Park is an English language community theatre group located in Greenfield Park, Quebec, Canada.
For more information regarding who we are, please visit our About Us page.

Dear Patrons,

With excitement and enthusiasm, the cast and crew are proud to present the play PYSCH by Lisa Rowe. It is now scheduled for April 25th, 26th and 27th. To accommodate our guests, there will be 3 nightly shows along with a Saturday afternoon matinee. As always, Park Players is committed to bringing you an exceptional theatrical experience. We are sure you will enjoy this somewhat farcical mystery with numerous intriguing twists and turns. You will witness a display of delightful characters, each one with a mysterious chaotic past. Suspense and surprise looms as you observe the unfolding story revealing the truth and consequences of these characters. PYSCH is a drama containing hilarious dialog, slapstick and includes of course some dark humor.

Not seeing you last fall, the entire company is ever so excited to present the play PYSCH to our loyal patrons this spring.
We look forward to having you back.


Michael F. Finch